Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Flight of the Arrowhead team meets with Pigeon: Impossible creator Lucas Martell

On Saturday, The Flight of the Arrowhead director João Tarouco and chief animator Leonardo Gulli met with Pigeon: Impossible creator Lucas Martell. The talented filmmaker took time out of his busy schedule to sit with the Thaumaturge team and discuss his work, the inspiring story behind its creation, and his career path through the world of filmmaking.

Pigeon: Impossible is an six minute animated short where a super-spy is harassed by a common pigeon. Mr. Martell's brainchild took five years to complete and exploded onto the animation and film festival circuit, winning numerous awards and having over seven million views on the internet.

Leonardo Gulli described the event,"I was very excited for the meeting. It was the first time I have spoken, in person, with such a successful filmmaker." João Tarouco was impressed with Mr. Martell, "Lucas was a really cool guy. It is amazing how he kept working on the long term goal of completing his animation. It is very inspirational for my team and I as we are producing The Flight of Arrowhead."

For almost two hours the group spoke about the intricacies of the latest animation applications and the importance of scripting. Mr. Martell gave a lot of advice about submitting to film festivals and the importance of a clear production pipeline when making a film.

After watching an exclusive preview roll of The Flight of the Arrowhead, Mr. Martell was impressed with the quality of work from the Thaumaturge team especially considering their young age. He wished the team luck and is anicipating its completion.

Check out Pigeon: Impossible!

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